Gareth Kennedy

data all-rounder and computational scientist



Below are the papers that I have been directly involved with. Papers writen by others using the MECSim software that I know of are listed here.

Refereed Scientific Publications:

L Gundry, G Kennedy, AM Bond, J Zhang: Establishing zone regions in cyclic voltammetry using unsupervised machine learning Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 942, 117551 (2023)

AM Bond, J Zhang, L Gundry, G Kennedy: Opportunities and challenges in applying machine learning to voltammetric mechanistic studies Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 34, 101009 (2022)

L Gundry, G Kennedy, AM Bond, J Zhang: Inclusion of multiple cycling of potential in the deep neural network classification of voltammetric reaction mechanisms Faraday Discussions 233, 44-57 (2022)

L Gundry, G Kennedy, J Keith, M Robinson, D Gavaghan, AM Bond, J Zhang: A Comparison of Bayesian Inference Strategies for Parameterisation of Large Amplitude AC Voltammetry Derived from Total Current and Fourier Transformed Versions ChemElectroChem 8 (12), 2238-2258 (2021)

L Gundry, SX Guo, G Kennedy, J Keith, M Robinson, D Gavaghan, AM Bond, J Zhang: Recent advances and future perspectives for automated parameterisation, Bayesian inference and machine learning in voltammetry Chemical Communications 57 (15), 1855-1870 (2021)

MA Rahman, J Li, SX Guo, G Kennedy, T Ueda, AM Bond, J Zhang: Modelling limitations encountered in the thermodynamic and electrode kinetic parameterization of the α-[S2W18O62] 4−/5−/6− processes at glassy carbon and metal electrodes Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 872, 113786 (2020)

Gareth F. Kennedy, Jie Zhang and Alan M. Bond: Automatically identifying electrode reaction mechanisms using deep neural networks. Anal. Chem. 91, 19, 12220-12227 (2019)

Jiezhen Li, Gareth F. Kennedy, Luke Gundry, Alan M. Bond, and Jie Zhang: Application of Bayesian Inference in Fourier-Transformed Alternating Current Voltammetry for Electrode Kinetic Mechanism Distinction. Anal. Chem., 91, 8, 5303-5309 (2019)

Jiezhen Li, Gareth F. Kennedy, Alan M. Bond, and Jie Zhang: Demonstration of Superiority of the Marcus–Hush Electrode Kinetic Model in the Electrochemistry of Dissolved Decamethylferrocene at a Gold-Modified Electrode by Fourier-Transformed Alternating Current Voltammetry. J. Phys. Chem. C, 122 (16), 9009–9014 (2018)

Gareth F. Kennedy, Alan M. Bond, Alexandr N. Simonov: Modelling ac voltammetry with MECSim: facilitating simulation-experiment comparisons. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 1, 1, 140-147 (2017)

Gareth F. Kennedy, Yohai Meiron, Bekdaulet Shukirgaliyev, Taras Panamarev, Peter Berczik, Andreas Just, Rainer Spurzem: Star-disc interaction in galactic nuclei: orbits and rates of accreted stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 460, 240-255 (2016)

Alan M.Bond, Darrell Elton, Si-Xuan Guo, Gareth F. Kennedy, Elena Mashkina, Alexandr N. Simonov, Jie Zhang: An integrated instrumental and theoretical approach to quantitative electrode kinetic studies based on large amplitude Fourier transformed a.c. voltammetry: A mini review. Electrochemistry Communications, 57, 78-83 (2015)

Gareth F. Kennedy: Application of three-body stability to globular clusters - II. Observed velocity dispersions
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 445, 4446-4462 (2014)

Gareth F. Kennedy: Application of three-body stability to globular clusters: I. The stability radius,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 444, 3328-3339 (2014)

Pau Amaro-Seoane, M. Coleman Miller, Gareth F. Kennedy: Tidal disruptions of separated binaries in galactic nuclei
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 425, 2401 (2012)

Tom Peachey, Elena Mashkina, Chong-Yong Lee, Colin Enticott, David Abramson, Alan M. Bond, Darrell Elton, David J. Gavaghan, Gareth P. Stevenson, Gareth F. Kennedy: Leveraging e-Science infrastructure for electrochemical research Philos. Transact. A Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 369, 3336 (2011)

Chong-Yong Lee, John P. Bullock, Gareth F. Kennedy, Alan M. Bond: Effects of Coupled Homogeneous Chemical Reactions on the Response of Large - Amplitude AC Voltammetry: Extraction of Kinetic and Mechanistic Information by Fourier Transform Analysis of Higher Harmonic Data J. Phys. Chem. A, 114, 10122 (2010)

Muhammad J. A. Shiddiky, Angel. A. J. Torriero, Chuan Zhao, Iko Burgar, Gareth Kennedy, Alan M. Bond: Nonadditivity of Faradaic Currents and Modification of Capacitance Currents in the Voltammetry of Mixtures of Ferrocene and the Cobaltocenium Cation in Protic and Aprotic Ionic Liquids J. AM. CHEM. SOC., 131, 7976 (2009)

Anastassija Konash, Alexander R. Harris, Jie Zhang, Darrell Elton, Mark Hyland, Gareth Kennedy, Alan M. Bond: Theoretical and experimental evaluation of screen - printed tubular carbon ink disposable sensor well electrodes by dc and Fourier transformed ac voltammetry J Solid State Electrochem, 13, 551 (2009)

Malek O. Khan, Gareth Kennedy, Derek Y. C. Chan: A scalable parallel Monte Carlo method for free energy simulations of molecular systems Journal of Computational Chemistry 26, 72 (2005)

Malek O. Khan, Gareth Kennedy, Derek Y. C. Chan: Effective simulation methods for polyelectrolytes in low dielectric solvents ANZIAM J., 46 C1254 (2005)

Conference Proceedings:

P. Berczik, R. Spurzem, L. Wang, S. Zhong, O. Veles, I. Zinchenko, S. Huang, M. Tsai, G. Kennedy, S. Li, L. Naso, C. Li: Up to 700k GPU cores, Kepler, and the Exascale future for simulations of star clusters around black holes Third International Conference "High Performance Computing" HPC-UA 2013 (Ukraine, Kyiv, October 7-11 (2013)

Gareth F. Kennedy, Rosemary A. Mardling: Signatures of resonant terrestrial planets in long-period systems ASP Conf. Proceedings: "Pathways Towards Habitable Planets" 2009, Barcelona, Spain (eds.: D. Gelino, V. Coude du Foresto, I. Ribas) (2009)

Gareth F. Kennedy, Jordi Miralda-Escude, Juna A. Kollmeier: The star capture model for fueling quasar accretion disks Proceedings of IAU Symp. 271, "Astrophysical Dynamics: from Stars to Galaxies" 2010 (eds.: N. Brummell, A.S. Brun) (2010)

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